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The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars The Henry Draper Extension Charts (HDEC), published in the form offinding charts, provide spectral classification for some 87000 starsmostly between 10th and 11th magnitude. This data, being highlyvaluable, as yet was practically unusable for modern computer-basedastronomy. An earlier pilot project (Roeser et al. 1991) demonstrated apossibility to convert this into a star catalogue, using measurements ofcartesian coordinates of stars on the charts and positions of theAstrographic Catalogue (AC) for subsequent identification. We presenthere a final HDEC catalogue comprising accurate positions, propermotions, magnitudes and spectral classes for 86933 stars of the HenryDraper Extension Charts.
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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия
Созвездие: | 武仙座 |
Прямое восхождение: | 18h43m49.66s |
Склонение: | +19°49'02.1" |
Видимая звёздная величина: | 9.475 |
Собственное движение RA: | 8.6 |
Собственное движение Dec: | -15.5 |
B-T magnitude: | 9.862 |
V-T magnitude: | 9.507 |
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